ISmy watches rubber and ecological summer 2011.Watches ecological rubber, classic and unconventional

ISmy watches


Watches ecological rubber, classic and unconventional, irreverent and with a character at the same time respectful. They are called ISmy and may look like nonsense and indeed they are. Because these are the authentic watches of nonsense. So runs the slogan of the new communication campaign for this summer 2011.

Unlike conventional silicone watches are hypoallergenic, antibacterial and environmentally friendly because they are made with a special rubber biomedical recyclable. For skin that is respectful of nature. But even in jest, 16 with their bright colors that run throughout the chromatic scale, in both opaque to translucent.

Two lines, Rock and Pop, the first stronger, striped strap, the second linear strap smooth.

Four variants of the dial, with white or black, with brilliant rhinestones or a non-conventional numbering scheme. All straps are interchangeable, so you can have a watch every day a different color, matching it to your mood.

Another very important aspect is that ISmy watches are made in Italy (all the straps and even the packaging boxes are made in Pordenone, in the district of plastics) and you can tell wear: the straps are elastic and deformable ultra-strong, will last a lifetime at the wrist, unlike poor quality silicone products, which tend to break easily with use.

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