Russian Aviator Watch Company took part in the ORT shares to “First in the Army.” This is the 15th event aimed at promoting the Russian army. At this time, television celebrities, watch Aviator and met in a Moscow military Kubinka.
The campaign actors, musicians, and leading news and television gave the military gifts, among them of course and watch Aviator. Souvenirs and watch the Russian company were also presented in the original tent at the military unit.
Russian pilots have performed at the celebration event stunt on the aircraft, “Russian Knights” squadron and “Swifts”. By the way watch company Aviator is in the range of a special series on just Swifts Kubinka. This watch Aviator Mig 29 Swift in steel.
To watch the Army Aviator developed since 1932. Then created the first chronological hours for pilots, as well as on-board aircraft hours. In the Red Army Aviator watches were presented with a special engraved as a full award.