June 23 a group of companies MOSALT has presented a new line of watches Rhythm , as well as a new collection of interior clock. Headed by the president of the Japanese company presentation Rhythm Takanori Kudo, who spoke about the history of the brand, and also answered questions from journalists about the clock in Russia and the Rhythm of a new collection of watches.
Mr. Kudo, you entered the Russian market is virtually a new project: Why did you decide that the watch Rhythm right now will be in demand?
The decision to launch a collection of watches was made jointly with our Russian representatives MOSALT company, and we initially set ourselves the task not just to enter the market with a collection of watches and hope that Russian buyers will appreciate them, and once a promising and competitive product. We have in the past year, conducted a study of consumer demand and have noticed that customer requirements for quality and design hours in your country have increased, and with brands that combine affordability with guaranteed good quality, not so much.
Stainless steel case, sapphire crystal, clasp, clip, durable gold plating thickness of 8 microns, convenient and reliable corrective head – retailers know that it is those factors that are paying attention and buyers. And when they are present at every hour mark, it greatly influences the buying decision. In addition, Russian consumers have already formed an opinion about the quality of interior pm Rhythm, they rely on our behalf, so that we can not say that we launched a new brand very much.
However, this is quite unusual: to move from interior to the wrist watch, it’s completely different niches of both production and marketing, do not you think?
Do not forget that Rhythm – this is not a small manufactory, which manufactures interior clock and suddenly decided to produce watches, Rhythm – a huge corporation hour, which is actively engaged in the production floor and the interior, and now and watch. We have the experience and capabilities to create completely different hours, in particular, one advantage over its competitors Rhythm is that we do not impose their goods to regional representatives, and create a product according to their recommendations.
Clock, which we represent in Russia differ from those that we do in Japan or other countries. Anticipate your next question: if until recently we were in Russia, only interior model, how do we know what a watch will be in demand in the market? The fact that our long-term partner and distributor MOSALT also very successful in your country, wristwatches, has its own retail network and established connections with representatives of regional retail.
They have done a great job of market research, “running” text collections, and only after they have verified that the clock is really in demand, taken up their full distribution.
How important is the opinion of Russian Rhythm of partners?
All the watches as watches and interior, the company manufactures in Japan. But as for design and variety of collections – we carefully listen to the proposals of the Russian partners. Judging by the first sales results, while we are acting correctly.
While the choice of models and collections of watches Rhythm is quite limited …
This is part of the development strategy of the brand. You can put in the stores about 30 different collections, and then one has to choose those that will actually sell. But this is not the way of brand development, it can lead to what brand will stop growing. We now present a “core” budget collections Rhythm: 6 carefully thought out and balanced lines Century, Constantin, Luxury, Rhythm, Millenium and Continental, in which male and female models are distributed evenly, as well as jewelry and classic models, with and without gold-plated Watches strict and freer style.
Now models are enough to enter the Russian market. But in addition, each collection includes the prospect of further development and modification depending on the demand. It is worth noting is the fact that the company has decent support for retail, providing all the necessary POS-materials: corporate displays, bags and pads.
Then why in the range of models with no Rhythm bracelets, but with straps?
This is just the next stage of brand development. We will continuously expand its range of collections, but do it slowly and deliberately, we must be sure that the clock will be in constant demand. Let me tell you a little secret – soon will appear in Russia chronographs Rhythm.
And how do you have perceived watch Rhythm representatives of the Russian retail trade?
Rhythm brand is widely known among the Russian watch dealers largely due to the active work of MOSALT: advertising campaign, all kinds of shares, flexible working with its business partners. As you can see, the presentation came to a lot of regional representatives: from St. Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kemerovo, Ryazan – and this is not the whole list.
We are not the first year of working with the Russian market and we understand how important it is to watch is in demand in the regions, so I was particularly pleased that all who were present at the presentation were very satisfied with collections of Rhythm. Rhythm wristwatch had already appeared in stores in Lipetsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and Pyatigorsk. Soon appear in other large Russian cities. It is important to note that our distributor MOSALT also well on its way to the regions: already opened offices in St. Petersburg, this company “Almaz”, and will soon open in Pyatigorsk.
In Moscow, you will promote the brand?
Absolutely! One of the most active points of sale hours Rhythm – department store “Moscow”, it represented a wide range of interior hour mark. This great achievement CEO Dmitry Ulianitsky store, which I personally thanked at the time of presentation. I hope and watch at the store will be sold no less successful. By the way, watches collection Rhythm can already be seen in department stores, “Perovskiy”, “May”, GUM and a few others.
By the way, interior clock: at the presentation were also presented new models of wall, table and floor clocks. You have time to hit retailers in this area or all the powers of the company just thrown on the creation and presentation of a line wrist models?
Everyone who has long worked with Rhythm, know that the company would never allow myself to cast a line for the sake of something else. Our main novelty in the field of interior design hours this season – a model of the original design with a relaxing melody, as well as clock. Interest, which caused the clock, just hitting the market – the best evidence that the Rhythm, as always, anticipating demand.