Watches – bullets remote control – Watches



If you love to spend all my free time watching television, this new product for you! No, we offer no TV and no couch, but also not less important thing for an enjoyable pastime. This is a wristwatch, but the clock is not simple, and very much interesting in their functional qualities.

This is a wristwatch with a remote control with which you can control from your sofa than anything, be it TV, DVD – player or stereo system. With this discovery, you can safely enjoy your favorite shows or listening to your favorite music, do not worry and not to worry, that miss an interesting game or series due to a lost remote. Now everything is in your hands, and more specifically on your hands. But in this case the function of these beautiful clock does not stop. In addition, it is a very convenient device, it is also just a very stylish, comfortable watch and, despite the fact that they contain a function remote control, apparently he did not like the remote control. It looks neat no large display on the side button, you can use to control a TV or any other technique (ie, enable, disable, change channels, make louder or quieter). Just using the same buttons you can customize the clock display and alarm clock as the clock, and on TV. Everything else, it is not very expensive device. In a stand-alone remote costs about 300 rubles, and their usual number, and of themselves wristwatch can cost from 300 and above. Price as these watches with a remote control is from 500 up to thousands. Yes, there are, of course, models and more expensive, but in Russia they are on sale, unfortunately no. But such a finding, but at this price simply swept off the shelves.

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