On the interior clock can and should be earning! This is especially true now, when competition in the market of watches is growing, and recent changes in pricing structure “naruchki” occurred is clearly not in favor of retailers. A sort of situation is forcing many to seek ways to diversify the retail business.
A good option, the introduction of a range of shop interiors hours. But it will require some architectural changes in store, it always remains a doubt will pay off whether such changes? If you just put on the free wall of ten quartz plates – there are serious risks worsening the original design shop (that is inevitable to reduce the sales of key products).
But, from experience! There is an excellent option the Italian watch-painting Lowell. They have a great aesthetic advantage: they are primarily still pictures! Therefore, the “mastering” their vacant walls of his shop, you do not risk spoiling its visual appeal. Rather, without resorting to architectural refinements store, you can easily enter into it a new theme the interior clock and at the same time to decorate your store.
But this decoration is still not a major concern. The main thing our experience in sales, which clearly shows that Lowell, the only brand, whose sales are growing steadily and rapidly in all of our customers throughout Russia. And this happens in all stores, regardless of their orientation (watches, various watches, gifts and souvenirs, furniture).
With other interior design brands is not so simple. There is a risk not to get into “their” buyer. Therefore, Lowell is the perfect choice for a first step. Believe me, doing 12 years of interior clock and having in the range of 17 interior brands with all varieties, I have every reason to draw such a conclusion.
Now watch Lowell successfully marketed in 39 cities of Russia, and these cities in terms of income are very different from each other. It should be noted that the good sales of Lowell did not occur due to minimization of profit in the chain of “dealer-retailer. The pricing structure allows you to store Lowell keep up the level of the recommended retail price surcharge of 70%. But the recommended retail price is purely advisory in nature, that is, the final decision on the price of taking himself retailer.
Good price range allows you to include Lowell in range of any shop. Recommended retail prices range from 19 to 329 euros, and the clock-painting from 51 to 235 euros. The store, which shows the cheap watches, Lowell can become a top brand, decorating department and enhance its status. The store, product-oriented way, Lowell will be a kind of outlet for buyers with ambition and high self-esteem, but the modest financial resources. After years of work in Russia has accumulated many successful examples of both the first and the second scenario.
Now on the range. Model range marks Lowell, more than 370 positions. Each year, manufacturers introduced over 25 new models. In addition to hours-paintings are presented here for office hours in the metal and plastic housings, models of wooden buildings, including those from artificially aged wood, and glass clock. However, the highlight of this brand are the clock-painting. They make up about 40% of the total range and Russia are absolute bestsellers. In addition to an unusual performance – dial is a picture (more precisely, a reproduction), which is framed with natural wood such watches are distinguished by these “pictures” sizes: from 29×29 up to 70×90 cm
Interestingly, the instinct wholesaler, especially just starting an interior theme, trying to choose a picture of a smaller size, and, seeing in the sales area of almost meter model usually responds with the phrase: “Where am I going to hang them?” However you try, make sure that is just large sizes sold best. The reason is probably the same dualism: hours are also painting. And what picture is more, so it is expressive. Hence the immediate commercial benefits: Work for sale at a retail store one model that large that the small size of the same, and profit from the “large” models are much higher.